This information is contributed by John Monis
Lemuel L. Sullivan
Birth: Jan 20, 1842 – Duplin County, NC
Military records show he was born in Duplin County, NC where he
resided as a farmer prior to enlisting in Kenansville, Duplin County
at the age 20 as a Private in Co C, 51st Regiment North Carolina
Troops on February 22, 1862. Company C was raised in Duplin County
and known as "Duplin Stars". He was reported absent sick from July to
October 1862. The first part of this time he was at C. S. A. General
Military Hospital No. 9 in Wilmington, North Carolina. He was released
from the hospital on August 11, 1862 and then spent the rest of the time
at home on sick leave. He returned to duty in November to December 1862.
He was present or accounted for from that time until he wounded in the
shoulder at Drewry's Buff, Virginia on or about May 13, 1864. He was
admitted to Receiving and Wayside Hospital or General Hospital No. 9
in Richmond, Virginia on May 13, 1864 and later admitted to Moore
Hospital or General Hospital No. 24 in Richmond, Virginia. He was reported
absent wounded through October 1864. From November to December 1864
he was on detached service "with wagon train". On May 1, 1865 he was
paroled at Greensboro, North Carolina.
Death: February 1, 1920
Buried: Sullivan Cemetery located on State Road 1522, .2 miles east from
State Road 1502, on the south side, Duplin County.
Side note: Their father was Insil Sullivan. His original will and court
probate papers from 1890 and 1891are in the State Archives.
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