George Tyler Rivenbark

Contributed by: Diane Siniard

George Tyler Rivenbark

Aunt May remembers Grandfather Rivenbark coming to Chinquapin on a pretty horse and 
buggy. He always had candy for the kids (sometimes melted). He lived 9 or 10 miles away 
(as far away as Europe, might have been, then.) Served in the Confederate Army: Bass 
Company, North Carolina Infantry. Confederate States of America. Aunt May believes that 
his uniform had been stolen from a museum, where it had been displayed. Rivenbark Family 
History book notes mother as Sarah A. Rivenbark. First mention of George Tyler is at age 
four in the home of grandfather William Wright Rivenbark age 66, Anne Rivenbark age 68, 
Sarah Rivenbark age 25, and Wright Rivenbark age 39. No apparent father. Was he 
illegitimate? Sarah Rivenbark married William English at a later date,unknown. George 
Tyler Rivenbark`s mother is listed as Sally English on his death certificate. She most 
certainly married William English and then had four children with him, all in the 1860s. 

Geo. Rivenbark (First_Last) 
Regiment Name Capt. Bass` Co. N.C. 
Side Confederate 
Soldier`s Rank_In Pvt. 
Soldier`s Rank_Out 
Alternate Name 
Film Number M230 roll 33 


Bass` Company, North Carolina Crute`s compendium contains no history for this unit. 

Burial: Rockfish Cemetery, Wallace, North Carolina

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